
I've just finished my new website, this is what I've been working on for the last weeks...


I've always wanted to learn Flash, but lack of time is always the reason I never did. I managed to learn something from this free flash template, which I changed to fit the website I wanted. I'm pretty happy with the result, what do you think?
I would appreciate if you could tell me about any errors that might occur.
I am so glad I am finished. I can go back to Tati Doll now! (as soon as I clean my studio - that's my inner self saying)


I think this new template is so cute, I feel it is just perfect for the new projects I have this year...

So I am starting with a doll for myself...
I've been thinking about what I want my doll to be. I've been trying to remember the time when I was a little girl and I used to dream about the dolls I wanted to have. The "baby dolls" never attracted me much. I never liked to play mommy. I only had one baby doll. I was always amazed by Barbie. I can even remember the first Barbie I saw! I took a long time of dreaming before my mother could afford buying a Barbie for my sister and me. I think I was 11 then. I remember I was never happy with Barbie's body though. It was not poseable enough. One day, while we were visiting a cousin, she showed me her "Susie", and I was amazed by the doll body, it was all articulated, I could put her on several different poses! Wow, I was so surprised that kind of doll did exist! After that Susie, I never saw any other doll like that in my whole childhood. I think it was not very well accepted in the market so they stopped producing it.
Although I have no sketch, no real plan for her, I can already feel close to this doll, I realize now that I've been dreaming about her my whole life... For this reason I decided to call this doll "Tati Doll". Tati is the short form for my name "Tatiana". Family and friends call me Tati. The sound of this short name evokes love and tenderness to me as they are mostly said by people I love. Tati Doll is a perfect name for the doll I have in my dreams, as she will be like the symbol of everything I love, everything I believe and everything I wish for me and for the world.
So now, I think I can say a little about the doll I want to make for myself.
- First of all and the most important: she must be playable.
The dolls I have created so far are mostly to be admired than to be played with, that's because of their size and fragility. I really need to play with my doll so the Tati Doll must be made of strong material and be poseable, allowing me to play with her as much as I want.
- long hair - this is just viewable in my work style, almost allt he dolls I have created have long hair. But hair for Tati Doll must be also playable, so that I can brush, wash and style it.
- clothes - I also remember I loved to dress and undress my dolls, once, my aunt made some pretty clothes for our barbies. They were much better than the clothes available for purchase.
These are the things I can think of now. I will talk about this project frequently and I will add some pictures too. I would love to read any comments, suggestions, anything. Thank you!
see you soon...


Happy New Year!!!
I hope it's a great 2010 start for everyone. I've been having lots of good thoughts coming all day long...
This is the first time I am willing to create my New Year's Resolution list. So here are the things I can think of now. The list may get bigger if I remember something else to include...

* A Doll for myself
After all the dolls I have created I feel a little empty about not having any with me. This will be my huge project for this year.

* Teach someone
I just want to show gratitude for the gifts I've been given so I think the best way is to teach someone.

Visit friends more often
I want to spend more time with my friends, decreasing the excuses to use the telephone and computer.

Get in shape - definitely
I lost 11kg in 3 months before my baby's first birthday. Now I want to be in shape. That means eating healthy food and saying goodbye to chocolate and coke.

* Finish my paintings
There are at least 2 unfinished paintings in my studio. I can't even remember when I started them... I really need to finish them.


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